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Yellowing Viruses

Aphid-transmitted Yellowing Viruses

Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus (CABYV)

Whitefly-transmitted Yellowing Viruses

Beet pseudoyellows virus (BPYV)

Symptoms of Beet pseudo-yellows virus on pumpkin
Beet pseudoyellows virus (BPYV) on pumpkin

Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus (CCYV)

Cucurbit leaf crumple virus (CuLCrV)

Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus (CYSDV)

Squash vein yellowing virus (SqVYV)

Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus (WmCSV)

Melon chlorotic leaf curl virus (MCLCuV), not yet reported in the United States

Tomato leaf curl New Delhi Virus (ToLCNDV), not yet reported in the United States

Images from this page may be used for nonprofit educational purposes provided that appropriate credit is given to the authors and the Emerging Viruses in Cucurbits Working Group. Permission for any other uses should be requested from the Emerging Viruses in Cucurbits Working Group.

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